「700 enter lottery to view reopened art exhibit at Aichi Triennale」
The exhibit was shut down just three days after the triennale opened on Aug. 1 following the uproar over certain war-related displays, particularly a statue of a young girl symbolizing “comfort women” forced to provide sex to Japanese military personnel before and during World War II.
Nagoya Mayor Takashi Kawamura staged a sit-in protest at the center to oppose the reopening.
また、河村市長の抗議については「a sit-in protest to oppose the reopening (再開に反対する座り込み抗議)」としか書かれて居らず、問題の本質である「天皇陛下の御真影を焼いた上に足で踏みにじる」ような日本人へのヘイト作品と、その展示に税金がつぎ込まれる点について、何の記載も無い。